Image by Arun Kapur.

They say the witching hour is 3 am.
Something about magic being at its peak,
interconnected with the things we cannot see,
but rather feel. I think I enjoy that analogy, that idea.
It makes the dark open roads less lonely.
Instead of the road just being me, the fog
and the lazy yellow light breaking through it.
The tangibility of my company may be questioned
but their loyalty, their empathy is unwavering.
We share the world with each other
with unspoken rules of civility.
There have always been things I’ve wanted to say
out loud, but I’ve been too scared to even whisper.
I think I can start the conversation here,
amongst the magic and the ghouls.
I trust that they can keep my secrets,
and I hope they know I can
Keep theirs.
Emily Broderick is a 21-year-old writer based out of Long Island, New York. Her main forms of writing are poetry and short stories. Emily is an extroverted person who loves to go out and experience whatever the world has to offer. This is seen in her work as it is based on her own personal stories and the feelings that came with them. You can follow her on Twitter @beefybarbie.

Enigmatic. Charismatic. Passionate. Lover of life and all truth that binds us together. Arun Kapur is a mental health advocate that uses the medium of the arts to raise awareness of stigmas and well-being. Through art, he believes voices shall be heard.