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leaf from an unwritten diary

Martins Deep

An image of a sparkler on a fully black background, shedding bright orange sparks everywhere.

[for S.K]

We felt the friction;

skins of flint & steel rubbing on a bed of straw,

pillows filled with gunpowder

each breath carrying the sparks: little fires necessary for combustion

your hands holding my outwilled body to the heat

you, just there, gushing streamlets of stardust

as i stroked your back, feeling

for wings you never believed were there

i shushed your doubts, and drew you

close enough to taste truth on my lips

hours ago, you were a temple marked for demolition,

temple brimming with nostalgia

of a god forsaken, or

goddess inside you,

now roused to savor everything i spill out

as libation

and there you are, glowing in a jacuzzi:

Venus flytrap opening to enclose boy,

the evening of his first joyride on a mayfly.


A grayscale image of Martins Deep, a short-haired person resting his cheek on one hand and smiling into the camera.

Martins Deep (he/him) is a budding African poet, photographer/artist, & currently a student of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. His works deeply explores the African experience. His creative works have appeared on FIYAH, Barren Magazine, The Sandy River Review, Agbowó Magazine, Surburban Review, FERAL, & elsewhere. He loves jazz, adores Amanda Cook, and fantasizes reincarnating as an owl. He tweets @martinsdeep1


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