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Put Yourself in my Position

Wallace Barker

Image by Natascha Graham.

An image of the sun rising over the horizon, illuminating the roofs of houses and trees.

i have seen the winter sun rise

over the trail surrounding the lake

light tumble down the shore breaks

a stricken man plunging to water

and laughed while my hot breath in clouds

dissipated before me and ducks paddled away

i observed graffiti beneath the concrete bridge

and imagined the lives of those nighttime writers

dodged the slow grandmothers in brimmed hats

walking three or four abreast blocking the entire

trail as frustrated bikers in stretch pants and

mirrored glasses hunt for passage around

and i ran up into the hills then back down

to the trails and the city was completely

drunk and wasted at 8am like some

hooligan day-drinker and i remembered

my boyhood and all my life in this town

i felt completely in love as Romeo upon

his first glimpse of Juliet across a crowded

party and i climbed the steep grade

back toward my little house in the sunlight

to shower and get ready for my day


An image of Wallace Barker, a person with short brown hair laid out on the grass with his eyes closed.

Wallace Barker lives in Austin, Texas. He has been published in Neutral Spaces Magazine, Reality Hands, Misery Tourism and Expat Press. More of his work can be found at


An image of Natascha Graham, a person with long brown hair looking into the camera and smiling.

Raised simultaneously by David Bowie and Virginia Woolf, Natascha Graham writes fiction, non-fiction and poetry, as well as writing for stage and screen. She lives with her wife in a house full of sunshine on the east coast of England.

Her play, How She Kills, was performed by The Mercury Theatre in August 2020 and broadcast on BBC radio in September. Her second play, Confessions: The Hours, has been performed by Thornhill Theatre London, Fifth Avenue Theatre, New York, BBC Radio Suffolk, and both have been selected by Pinewood Studios and Lift-Off Sessions as part of their First Time Filmmakers Festival 2020.

Her poetry, fiction and non-fiction essays have been previously published by Acumen, Litro, Every Day Fiction, The Sheepshead Review, Yahoo News and The Mighty.

Natascha also has an upcoming poetry pamphlet published with Tall Lighthouse in 2021, and writes a continuing radio drama for BBC Radio Suffolk.


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